Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Materia Style theme with material design green
Flip thru the screenshots to see the new icons and all the plasma themes.
If you want to see the best screenshots without the blurriness then click and enlarge so and you will have a much better view.
Since the theme is a flat style theme if you do not enlarge the screenshots they will look blurry for sure.
If you would like it to be a little darker then try the Materia Manjaro Dark KDE Plasma theme. It can be found here:
The entire theme consists of:
2 Aurorae themes
2 sets of folder icons
1 set of full icons based on the Breeze icons
4 Plasma themes
2 color schemes
2 GTK themes
1 Konsole theme
1 look and feel theme
1 Splash screen
The new Breeze style icons are here:
The folder icons are here:
The Konsole theme is here:
The GTK theme is here:
The Aurorae themes are here:
The Plasma themes are here:
The Plasma color schemes are here:
For wallpapers in the screenshots go to Charlie Henson's:
For original Materia KDE
Comments and request are welcome.
Thanks Last changelog:
Flip thru the screenshots to see the new icons and all the plasma themes.
If you want to see the best screenshots without the blurriness then click and enlarge so and you will have a much better view.
Since the theme is a flat style theme if you do not enlarge the screenshots they will look blurry for sure.
If you would like it to be a little darker then try the Materia Manjaro Dark KDE Plasma theme. It can be found here:
The entire theme consists of:
2 Aurorae themes
2 sets of folder icons
1 set of full icons based on the Breeze icons
4 Plasma themes
2 color schemes
2 GTK themes
1 Konsole theme
1 look and feel theme
1 Splash screen
The new Breeze style icons are here:
The folder icons are here:
The Konsole theme is here:
The GTK theme is here:
The Aurorae themes are here:
The Plasma themes are here:
The Plasma color schemes are here:
For wallpapers in the screenshots go to Charlie Henson's:
For original Materia KDE
Comments and request are welcome.
Fixed some defaults and added the aurorae theme.
If you do not like the new aurorae then just go select Breeze window decorations but hopefully you like them. Let me know in the comments.
Ratings & Comments
10 10 the best
Thanks. Try the slightly darker version too.
10 Finally the Manjaro-like KDE theme for any KDE distro, but for the maximium, I reward the user freefreeno for helping me to install ARch Linux.
Thanks. Also go to my page and look around there.
I tried to get it but it doesn't install.
The problem is KDE Frameworks 5.58.0 View topic: https://forum.opendesktop.org/t/problem-with-downloading-look-and-feel-themes-from-within-kde-system-settings-with-frameworks-5-58/17689
You will have to come this site and get the stuff. It has four plasma themes and also for some reason it doesn't load the Newaita icons automatically either BUT it does work just fine and it will install from the downloads folder. Download it and then go to the look and feel part in your setttings and select load from file.Do the same thing with plasma themes and color schemes. Maybe some of it might install from settings properly but you are better of just coming to the site and downloading it. It is a great theme and I have recently made it much better with better blur and all sorts of stuff. Sorry for the inconvenience and I hope you will try it out.
It is simple to just put them in the ~/.local/share/plasma/look-and-feel. I never ever install themes from the settings. I have had too many problems. I came from gtk where we just copy them to proper folder and me personally think KDE would be better off to just have it that way. You simply copy or move it to the correct folder.Sorry
It is because of a bug in KDE Plasma. My distro is still using the bugged KDE frameworks. It works fine but you must manually install in and that means simply putting into the ~/.local/share/look-and-feel folder. I have never used the settings to install a theme anyways but all you have to do is no where the themes go and place them there.
CAN SOMEONE PLEAESE TELL ME IF THIS IS INSTALLING FROM THERE SETTINGS???? I can not get any themes to install thru my settings so I need some feedback please.
9 +
Thanks. Sorry for the late reply
9 +
Thanks. Sorry for the late reply
9 +
Thank you
Thanks. Sorry for the late reply
9 +Exceptional
Thank you. it looks better on your PC all set up than I can show and I hate that. This is my first real work I guess you could say I put in and it took me nearly two days and I am sure there is stuff needs to be done. For one I cant figure out how to make the old Materia blue turn to my green in the calendar on panel. Ya know when when you slide over it the highlights. Maybe some one will let me know. I just feel like with the way KDE is set up there should be no reason we don't have more themes to choose from even if they are just color variations from other themes.
You're gonna nail it sooner than later. In short time you're probably going to contribute a lot of themes because if this is a first project and it's this good, seriously dude you did an awesome job. No point in stopping now lol.. Keep doing the art man.
Calendar is fixed. I am not used to putting my themes into the home folder but that is what did. Only themes I believe I have in the root now are the actual plasma themes. Lol. I don't even use Manjaro but I liked the colors and I had the folders. I love the Newaita folders. They have a script to change folder colors. I do believe it is all fixed now. Thanks for the feedback man.
As far as Manjaro goes I cannot get any of their releases to boot on any of my machines. I mean it all installs fine just booting is a no go for me. I have no idea why and despite all my best efforts... Netrunner is like that for me also.
I use Arch. I guess everyone has there fav but for me like the new stuff and I like the package management on Arch so I just go thru the process to install and you will never beat there documentation on stuff. I also have had problems with Manjaro and that is the reason I don't use it and I don't even see the benefits of using it. If you want a nice Arch based system without the rigors of installing Arch go with Arcolinux. Very Nice guy over there at Arco. Will help you any way he can. He believes in sharing knowledge. But for me I guess I am a Archer till dead unless they take a bad turn and i don't see thet happening. I can't stand anything ubuntu based. Those repo's. I like a minimal system. I do not believe I should have to install not one app that I don't want. I cut my Arch teeth you could say on Antergos and that is a good system also. Nearly pure Arch. I just wish I had came back to KDE sooner. I tried it when I was very new to Linux and I guess it was just too much at the time. I use a 16 model Lenovo Yoga 710 and it has a crappy 32 bit uefi on a 64 bit system so yea I have had my fair share of installing problems. I am wanting a new laptop so bad but I am stuck for now on this old thing.
Antergos Gnome is exceptional but Plasma is a no go because the .gimp folder is locked down and gimp never displayed the folder in home >.gimp so adding my brushes in gimp was a lost cause and why the KDE devs make root impossible for my abilitys is beyond me I mean really, and I'm rather savvy. I need to look at Arco EB likes it... I made nearly 500 videos on my Youtube page using Antergos Gnome so I agree it's good but I like KDE as a creative platform so I am with Neon for now. I like Kaos a little as well.
I meant Antergos KDE is a no go.