(no special extra icons from blackysgate, so so far clean)
Scalable KrystalSVG Icons for Plasma 5/6 and up !
Homepage :
The Head Designer is Everaldo Coelho of the Design, he have found it! and have create anno 2003
the CrystalSVG Project from this Icons where he made for KDE 3&4 ! and later diffrent Cristal Icon Themes
The new Name and other things:
I have now create a new full Icontheme with actual Icons, i have rebuild manny Icons and build also new Icons for have a more full Icontheme For Plasma/KDE as Gui and not for manny other Programm (and not put the whole other b*s* in one pot (i hold it apart !)!, okey, there be 1,2 or 3 WinNT icons made by me in SVG (design from ms)..
(But if you have one other Icons where more fits and made it by you as svg, well, push it, all good help is welcome),
but if i look on the iconthemes behind 2003, XP also Win7/Vista Icons, it strikes me a little, but I could be wrong,..but.... well..
How ever, and have use 1,2 and 3 (or manny more) icons from the CristalSVG and have fresh scaled to 256x256 ..
Why not rebuild and put the whole Icons to the CrysitalSVG theme.. now my ask, why should i do that, if nobody react on my writing at Github,
greetings to Martin or how managed this account at Github..
And nobody have Build up and update it to modern icontheme.. no one have/had intrest in a more actualisation this icontheme .. but many have Love it for updated, but i am.. update it at last..
And really, i have wait for to have a more actual CristaSVG Icontheme too ... and i have ask at, no answer, no reaction.. at Github's CristalSVG,
ookey, then no common work .. great..
So also because this a Own full so far Icontheme under an other Name.. thank you, this was it..
Therefore have i now create a new Name what's also more stay to KDE, because this named now KristalSVG and not CristalSVG also to let show it's some other something or something other to send the Arrow to the right direction.. to KDE/Plasma 5/6 and up (^;^)

Now i want gift and public this Icontheme to to the Linuxusers.
All help at is welcome

best regards
Ratings & Comments
10 Sweet more updates!
Yeeeaaapphhh *bg* well, what should i say, if i work directly on 5 different Iconthemes :) but a lil tip, use that icontheme from my hand, so, from blackysgate and not on invent, the is only for storing the whole icons and source for times in the future for have it in the community, the krystalSVG from is with more icons... and now, this icons from the updates at all 5'fe Iconthemes support now better Xfce because Xfce use for displayed normally icons /actions/folder.* but should be /places/folder.* so imho wrong theme-folder selection becausye all in action should use in Menu's and not as Folderdisplayer, all Placed folder pictures for Filemanager shold use out of ~/places .. how ever, setting up a Link in this folder to the right icon and it's good.. :\ .. And thank you for the rating :) ! best Blacky
9 Very great idea to save our nostalgic :)
*thumps up* thy :) I have update my Win7 theme also to SVG a couples extra icons (all what is from have extra icons) all from is more "officially" ;)