Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
KVG(Kde Video Gif)
Is a player of animate gif and music.
This version of the player "IS ONLY FOR ADULTS".
Displays dancing girls from Virtuagirl.com.
But you can drag and drop any gif or music of your choice.
Depends: Superkaramba and Sox.
To install, unzip the file in the home and run the install.
./install Last changelog:
Is a player of animate gif and music.
This version of the player "IS ONLY FOR ADULTS".
Displays dancing girls from Virtuagirl.com.
But you can drag and drop any gif or music of your choice.
Depends: Superkaramba and Sox.
To install, unzip the file in the home and run the install.
another way to open the player is at kickoff - search - kvg
it will be opened directly by superkaramba, without the background image of the plasmoid
moving the cursor from left to right makes the image disappear
moving back or by clicking the size buttons it reappears
Ratings & Comments
For those of us who prefer not to have this stuff, even in miniature, staring us in the face while we look for useful plasmoids and such, maybe there should be a special kde porn site. I believe in the 1st amendment, internet freedom, free choice, all that, but please spare the rest of us who are interested in kde software (maybe software skins, not the other kind :-) ).
In posting I made it clear that it was for adults For those who see pornography in which women dressed dancing and fun is to see a red dot plasmoid , my condolences. :)
Megaupload is down, how do you upload it into megaupload.
Megaupload is down a longer time now... Thx
Sorry, new link available
Thank you - Cool work!
I tried loading KDELibs and searched for libkrosspython in an amd64 version. This install script tries to put in an i386 library. But no joy. Any assistance out there would be appreciated.
oh...and krosspython is already installed. 4:4.5.1-0ubuntu3
Kross dependence used by superkaramba is satisfied with this: libkrosspython0_4.3.5-0ubuntu1~karmic1_i386.deb You should try to install the version corresponding to 64
YES! ...exactly...that was my question. What is that version??? I couldn't find it.
ok, thanks, found it, got it :)
It has no source. Better to rip out the gifs and music and write one's own code...should only require some calls to the gif display libraries. It could be done even better with an FFT/Hilbert decomposition to synchronize gif frame advance with the music. BUT I WILL NOT INSTALL THIS !!!
I just downloaded, it's just a python script with pics, sounds and *.theme & *.desktop files.. So you can view the source code yourself and see if it's safe or not. I would love a config dialog to choose your own gifs however. A semi-nude dancing girl might be good for some people, but a configuration tool would be good for much more people.
No, I don't see any python source. I only see krosspython.so which seems to be binary. Where should I be looking?????
The contents of the 7z are this plasmoid plus an ubuntu kross-python package. I don't know why this package is included, I don't have ubuntu but I'm pretty sure they have it on their repo. The actual plasmoid however is a python script plus the files I've already mentioned. The python script is named kvg.py and you can view and examine it as you please.
Sorry about that. It was so small (just a bunch of karamba callbacks) that I didn't see it. And it looks fine. Many apologies for the false alarm. Sorry to bother everybody.
I'll soon be offering a new version with this configuration. For now you can drag and drop your gifs and music directly to the theme window.
The original microshaft .exe from VirtualGirl maintained continuous TCP/IP connections with VirtualGirl's central server without any explanation as to why. So why would I let someone run an undisclosed .exe on my system? So, QUESTION: Is the source for this public? Can I examine it? Can I compile it myself? Otherwise, is this spyware? But I do like the concept of a dancing girl on my desktop...just not if its poking thru my machine.
Stay calm. This is just a theme for superkaramba. That is installed as a plasmoid. Only plays music and animated gifs. My knowledge does not allow me to make a real plasmoid. If anyone knows how, we would appreciate the help.