Search results for "linux"


Generic Animations (BeGeneric ;-)

Various KDE 1.-4. Improvements by thomas12777
*** CONTINUED AS "BE::Animated" *** A generic animation effect for kwin. Think of BeDropped on steroids. It allows you to -per window type- combine various animations on - Opacity - Scale - Position - Size - Rotation - Brightness -...
extension kde linux plasma unix
Jan 30 2012


Various KDE Stuff by Jim99
OpenAPC is an Open Source APC (Advanced Process Control) solution that is highly flexible and configurable and covers a wide range of automation, visualization and process control tasks from home control up to industrial automation. It consists of several sub-components that are specialised for...
extension kde linux plasma unix
Jan 24 2012

KGenlop - Gentoo emerge notifier

Various KDE 1.-4. Improvements by nephros
This is a set of scripts to popup a kdialog message about the currently compiling package(s). [b][/b] is the more advanced one. It uses the [i]inotify[/i] API to watch emerge.log and inform you when something new happens. It can be run from KDE autostart, or xinitrc or whatever,...
extension kde linux plasma unix
Jan 22 2012

Plasma Ion data provider for Gismeteo

Various KDE 1.-4. Improvements by atorkhov
This an plasma ion that provides weather information from [url][/url]. It could be received by any application that supports ion interface. It was tested with standard weather plasmoid and yaWP. It requires qlibxmlnodemodel library which is available at...
extension kde linux plasma unix
Jan 20 2012

VYM - View Your Mind

Various KDE Stuff by insilmaril
VYM (View Your Mind) is a tool to generate and manipulate maps which show your thoughts. Such maps can help you to improve your creativity and effectivity. You can use them for time management, to organize tasks, to get an overview over complex contexts. Note: So far VYM is "just" a QT...
extension kde linux plasma unix
Jan 18 2012


Various KDE 1.-4. Improvements by berndb
This is kio-locate for KDE4. After switching to KDE4 I really missed this add-on. Since it was not maintained any longer I had to port it myself :-) kio-locate is a KDE I/O Slave for the locate command. This means that you can use kio-locate by simply typing in konquerors address...
extension kde linux plasma unix
Jan 10 2012

Spotify Start Without Crash

Various KDE 1.-4. Improvements by vishal8492
Use script as launcher either using menu editor or custom luncher or rather just make it as executable and it shouldn't crash hopefully.It's deb installer files only.I tried it on rpm distro's too.You can use sudo alien -r (package name).deb If it screams about missing...
extension kde linux plasma unix
Dec 29 2011


Various KDE 1.-4. Improvements by TheGrudge
GimpResourcesThumbnailer is a thumbnail service for KDE. It can be used in any KDE application that supports the thumbnail kioslave, like dolphin or digiKam. You can preview all of your Gimp resources like brushes and patterns, to easily manage them into folders, without the need to open...
extension kde linux plasma unix
Dec 26 2011


Various KDE 1.-4. Improvements by jaugen
This is a set of 9 bash scripts which I use to move my active window on screen similar to the Compiz Put plugin. You need to have the xdotool installed which can be found in most repositories. Associating these scripts with keyboard shortcuts creates a great KDE desktop improvement for...
extension kde linux plasma unix
Dec 23 2011


Plasma 4 Extensions by endoftime
This program was created because I needed a tool to monitor computer temperature with possibility to save it to a file. To properly work it needs programs on your system: - lm_sensors - hddtemp and present paths: - to partitions file: /proc/partitions - to battery files:...
extension kde linux plasma plasma-4 unix widget
Oct 13 2014