Search results for "linux"



Plasma 4 Extensions by F1ash
Plasmoid should periodic check for new messages in configured accounts. Supported protocols: POP3/POP3S/IMAP4/IMAP4S + IMAP4_IDLE. Passwords for accounts stored in KWallet. Plasmoid use KDE-notification for events about new mail. Support Akonadi (mimeType : "message/rfc822") resources...
extension kde linux plasma plasma-4 unix widget
Apr 06 2014

ZNS Kontact Backup

Various KDE 1.-4. Improvements by adsicks
Moves data and common settings for Kontact from the /home/user/.kde4 folder to /home/user/Mail and creates symbolic links in the .kde4 folder. This makes the Mail info easier to back up in the case that you need to delete the .kde4 folder after an update or catastrophe. See the wiki page on...
extension kde linux plasma unix
Feb 02 2011

DragonPlayer Crop Support

Various KDE 1.-4. Improvements by PxPert
Hi to all, I always liked dragonplayer, but I always missed one important feature: crop the video to the window size (or to the screen resolution in fullscreen mode), so I just added it!! Enjoy it, by simply pressing 'c' during video playback or by selecting it right-clicking on the video or...
extension kde linux plasma unix
Jan 30 2011

ALSA Volume Control plasmoid

Plasma 4 Extensions by F1ash
Plasmoid controls alsa devices by mouse. You can add plasmoid to panel (both vertical && horisontal) or to workspace. You must install python-alsaaudio or similar in your distributive.
extension kde linux plasma plasma-4 unix widget
Apr 01 2014


Various KDE 1.-4. Improvements by DavidEdmundson
Nightmode is a kwin plugin that makes the entire screen darker. The reason behind this for when you are using the laptop at night, either outside or in bed - and find that even on the darkest screen backlight level the screen is way too bright. The plugin can be turned on or off by a simple...
extension kde linux plasma unix
Jan 17 2011


Various KDE Stuff by Douglish
This task timer is inspired by task timer plasmoid ( It's for measuring how long you spend doing some task. It uses sqlite as storage.
extension kde linux plasma unix
Jan 08 2011


Various KDE 1.-4. Improvements by Tarmack
[size=6]Mangonel, a simple application launcher for KDE4.[/size]Mangonel is intended as a light weight replacement for the, in my view bloated and slow, standard KRunner. Sadly you can't actually get rid of KRunner because it's also responsible for your screensaver and...
extension kde linux plasma unix
Jan 03 2011

San simera

Plasma 4 Extensions by dglent
This plasmoid shows (in Greek) the events of the current day back in the history, from the site Αυτό το plasmoid εμφανίζει τα ιστορικά γεγονότα σαν σήμερα, από την ιστοσελίδα Requirements/Εξαρτήσεις: - python-beautifulsoup4 (or/ή python-bs4) - python-pil...
extension kde linux plasma plasma-4 unix widget
Mar 15 2014

Event countdown Plasmoid

Various KDE 1.-4. Improvements by kzm
Event countdown timer is a simple plasmoid for kde4, which shows remaining days and time to specified event.
extension kde linux plasma unix
Dec 22 2010


Plasma 4 Extensions by redhatlinux10
this is a plasmoid for KDE. it can monitor cpu and nvidia video card temperatures for you recently. nvidia-smi command is run for detecting nvidia video card temperature, so if you'd like to monitor it, you should make sure nvidia-smi command is in your path. some machine's motherboard doesn't...
extension kde linux plasma plasma-4 unix widget
Mar 07 2014