Search results for "linux"


vidro ksidebar + kbfx

Various KDE 1.-4. Improvements by lunimare
extension kde linux plasma unix
Jul 25 2007

My IPv6 address

Plasma 4 Extensions by oskar456
A slightly modyfied IP address monitor by Philip Rebohle: [url][/url] Shows IPv4 and IPv6 address, updated every five minutes, or manually, after clicking the globe button. WARNING: This plasmoid uses non-blocking HTTP...
extension kde linux plasma plasma-4 unix widget
Mar 31 2012

Minitools - Add to Google Reader/homepage

Various KDE 1.-4. Improvements by peppelorum
This is a small javascript for Minitools that parses a html page, finds all the rss/atom-feeds, asks which one you want to add to Google Reader/homepage. [b]How to install[/b] - Open konqueror (web browsing profile) - Click Tools->Minitools->Edit Minitoola - Create a new bookmark...
extension kde linux plasma unix
Jul 20 2007

Condorito Original

Plasma Comic Sources by carloscelis
Comic de René Ríos Elphick (Pepo)(R) bajado de
comic-source extension kde linux plasma unix
Jun 06 2010

Condorito Gocomics

Plasma Comic Sources by carloscelis
Comic de René Ríos Elphick (Pepo)(R) bajado de
comic-source extension kde linux plasma unix
Jun 06 2010

(Kate) FileTree plugin

Various KDE 1.-4. Improvements by neofreko
Kate is such a perfect editor for me. But there's still one thing bother my mind: there's no file treeview browser in Kate. The current click-back-click-back file browser is usable but still, it's painful. So, here goes your simple file treeview plugin .. simply activate in from kate...
extension kde linux plasma unix
Jul 04 2007

Katapult-Fast Track

Various KDE 1.-4. Improvements by dilettante
This is a Katapult fork based on the KDE SVN repository. It fixes several outstanding issues of upstream Katapult. Unfortunately, Katapult development stagnated and no progress has been made upstream for half a year. I recently got a response from the project manager of katapult. If you don't...
extension kde linux plasma unix
Jul 03 2007


Various KDE 1.-4. Improvements by UbuntuMez
Katapult is an application for KDE, written in C++, designed to allow faster access to applications, bookmarks, and other items. It is plugin-based, so it can launch anything that is has a plugin for. Its display is driven by plugins as well, so its appearance is completely customizable. It was...
extension kde linux plasma unix
Jul 01 2007


Various KDE 1.-4. Improvements by fhd
BinaryKlock is a binary clock kicker applet. The special thing about this clock is that it displays the time in binary instead of using the decimal system. Binary is pretty easy to read and many people will nonetheless stare at your desktop, not believing how you can read the time from...
extension kde linux plasma unix
Jul 01 2007


Plasma 4 Extensions by eikel
In March 2012, I wanted to have a Plasmoid that is able to display the status of a Subversion repository. Because I could not find a working Plasmoid for that task, I began to develop a new one. SubversionDataEngine is a data engine that can be used by Plasmoids. I have written this data...
extension kde linux plasma plasma-4 unix widget
Mar 19 2012