Search results for "linux"



Plasma Comic Sources by xyzjace
This is my first time making a plugin, so please let me know if I've done something wrong. Enjoy! Comic can be found at
comic-source extension kde linux plasma unix
Dec 14 2009

Icon Tasks

Plasma 4 Extensions by CraigD
Modified version of KDE 4.7 taskbar applet and taskmanager library. Modifications: 1. Show only icons (no text) in taskbar. 2. When a launcher is activated, place the task's taskbar entry at the same location as the launcher. 3. Tasks with no associated launcher, are placed after...
extension kde linux plasma plasma-4 unix widget
Nov 10 2011

Dinosaur Comics

Plasma Comic Sources by noahr
comic-source extension kde linux plasma unix
Dec 13 2009


Various KDE 1.-4. Improvements by Linuster
kio_clipboard is a kioslave (protocol) to access the KDE clipboard. It allows you to retrieve the contents of the clipboard in various different formats as if they were files. You can use it to upload a screenshot with Konqueror without saving it to a file. Or, you can use it as a tool to...
extension kde linux plasma unix
Oct 30 2006


Various KDE 1.-4. Improvements by fsu
KonsoleScripts is script, which automatically renames konsole tabs to what command you are running. There are some general commands predefined and an easy way to define your own. More documentation in script. Installation: just save file to ~/.konsolescripts and add this line in...
extension kde linux plasma unix
Oct 29 2006


Various KDE 1.-4. Improvements by Linuster
kio_resources provides the "resources" protocol for KDE. It allows you to browse all installed files in the standard search paths (generally .kde and /usr). The general format of a resources URL is resources:/resource-type[/relative-path]. Thus, to view all wallpapers installed on your system,...
extension kde linux plasma unix
Oct 27 2006

EVE Online: Minimal Character Monitor

Plasma 4 Extensions by imax
This is a really basic character monitor for EVE Online. Currently it shows your - Pilot Image - Wealth - Current Skill - Time left for Skill To use it just install it and configure the plasmoid using its configure dialog. You will need to get your API keys from...
extension kde linux plasma plasma-4 unix widget
Nov 05 2011

kmail: display current sender time

Various KDE 1.-4. Improvements by dmiceman
Some peoples (like me) are too stupid to calculate timezone offsets properly. So when email arrives at time you are sleeping and sender of email live on the other side of the earth, it is not so easy to find what is a current time on the other end. To help, this patch on kdepim was created....
extension kde linux plasma unix
Oct 23 2006

kmail templates

Various KDE 1.-4. Improvements by dmiceman
This is a patch for current 3.5 branch of kdepim package ( ) which replaces 'Phrases' configuration with more rich templates engine. Templates use template syntax of well-known Thebat! mail client and allow construct a little more complicated...
extension kde linux plasma unix
Oct 18 2006


Various KDE 1.-4. Improvements by klichota
Cbar is a sidebar with the following goals: * Provide contextual information when browsing directories, similar to Metabar and Windows sidebar. * Easy to extend by providing extensions in the form of scripts. * Cross-platform (thanks to using scripts, which are...
extension kde linux plasma unix
Oct 18 2006