Search results for "linux"


Desktop snowfall

Plasma 5 Applets by konstantinz
This plasmoid imitates snowfall in you desktop. Some times weather becomes windy.
desktop extension kde linux plasma plasma-5 plasmoid snow unix widget
Jan 02 2020

Christmas Tree

Plasma 5 Applets by x-varlesh-x
Animated Christmas Tree on your Plasma Desktop. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year )))
animated christmas extension kde linux plasma plasma-5 plasmoid unix widget
Dec 25 2019

COVID-19 Cases Plasmoid

Plasma 5 Applets by kacpi2442
Plasma applet showing the current COVID-19 Cases by chosen country.
corona covid covid-19 extension kde linux plasma plasma-5 plasmoid unix virus widget
Mar 24 2020

MacOS Maximized

Latte Layouts by Madkita
a MacOS like latte layout which hides the top bar and dock when apps are maximized Widgets(from left to right): simple menu, App title, global menu, System tray, event calendar to hide title bar when an app is maximized add this line `BorderlessMaximizedWindows=true` to ~/.config/kwinrc
dock extension latte latte-dock linux unix
Dec 26 2018

Dock And TopBar Promo

Latte Layouts by Psifidotos
This is the main layout used in promo video of Latte v0.9 You will need following plasma applets, Top Panel: - Window Title - Window AppMenu - Window Buttons - Latte Separator - Chili Clock - Playbar2 Bottom Dock: - Latte Analog Clock - Weather Widget
dock extension latte layout linux promo unix v0.9
Jul 31 2019

Socket Sentry

Plasma 4 Extensions by rhasselbaum
Socket Sentry is a KDE Plasma widget that displays real-time network traffic on your Linux computer
extension kde linux plasma plasma-4 unix widget
Aug 01 2010

MakeThatPape - Generated wallpapers

Plasma Wallpaper Plugins by reightb
Time for a new wallpaper! MakeThatPape allows you to easily generate backgrounds on the fly and is easily extended. It can currently generate wallpapers of the following types: - plain - grid based - series of squares - lines - triangles - circles It is very easily extended and has...
dynamic extension generated kde linux plasma plugin procedural unix wallpaper wallpaper-plugin
Jan 11 2020


Plasma 5 Applets by m4qu3l4n
shows a device icon on the desktop. hold down to move and scale
extension kde linux plasma plasma-5 unix widget
Mar 20 2019

Media Controller Compact

Plasma 5 Applets by bkueng
Simple media controller plasmoid that fits into a panel and shows the currently playing song and artist. It is based on the original Media Controller Plasmoid and thus supports the same players. If changing the volume does not work, try to use the following command: pactl set-sink-volume 0...
linux unix extension plasma-5 widget kde plasma
Mar 19 2019


Plasma 5 Monitoring by zanturik
tail -f filename Print last/new lines of the file.
extension file kde linux monitoring plasma plasma-5 tail unix widget
Nov 13 2019