Search results for "linux"



Plasma Color Schemes by theZest
Materia meets Breath: color schemes mix. Good for those who prefer light themes, but contains dark colors scheme too. Please note that these schemes are made for the use with Kvantum widget style. Breeze compatibility is untested. All credits to Manjaro and Materia themes...
breath color colorscheme kde linux materia plasma scheme theme unix
May 14 2021

Materia Dark KDE

Plasma Window Decorations by x-varlesh-x
Materia pack for Plasma 5 desktop. Please use Kvantum Engine and Theme for better looking: Install full Materia pack from my collection.
aurorae dark kde linux materia material plasma theme unix
Apr 10 2021

Materia Light KDE

Plasma Color Schemes by x-varlesh-x
Materia pack for Plasma 5 desktop. Please use Kvantum Engine and Theme for better looking: Install full Materia pack from my collection.
colorscheme kde light linux materia material plasma theme unix
Apr 10 2021


Plasma Color Schemes by theZest
MateriaYaru Plasma color schemes were made for the use with Kvantum widget style. Breeze compatibility is untested. All credits to Yaru and Materia themes developers: GTK...
color colorscheme kde kdeplasma linux materia plasma scheme theme unix yaru
May 14 2021


Plasma Window Decorations by jcmljunior
Tema Aurorae que imita a decoração de janelas do Mac OS, com padrões de cores do tema Materia. Historico de mudanças: - Agora é possivel instalar ambos os temas. Modo escuro/claro - Adicionado instalador .deb
aurorae kde linux materia plasma theme unix
Jun 21 2020

Materia Manjaro

Full Icon Themes by freefreeno
[color=#00C8B5]Icons for the Materia Manjaro theme and whatever else you want to use them for[/color] If you want to see the best screenshots without the blurriness then click and enlarge so and you will have a much better view. The new Breeze style icons are...
icon-theme kde kdeplasma linux manjaro materia plasma unix
May 20 2020

Materia Manjaro Dark

Plasma Window Decorations by freefreeno
[color=#00c599]Aurorae themes to match the Materia Manjaro Dark Plasma theme and color scheme.[/color] Click and enlarge the screenshots so the blurriness will go away. Flip thru the screenshots to see most of the stuff but it is not all because I did not have room. The new full icon set...
kde kdeplasma linux materia plasma plasma5 theme unix
May 20 2020


Plasma Themes by freefreeno
[color=#00C8B5]Materia Style theme with material design green[/color] New high contrast style color scheme with the bouncing buttons as I call them has been added. If you want to see the best screenshots without the blurriness then click and enlarge so and you will have a much better...
plasma kdeplasma kde materia linux unix theme
May 20 2020

Materia Manjaro Dark

Plasma Color Schemes by freefreeno
[color=#00c599]Darker Materia Manjaro/Materia style color schemes[/color] The screenshots will seem a blurry unless you click them and enlarge to get a better view of the theme. Flip thru the screenshots to see most of the stuff but it is not all because I did not have room. The new full...
colorscheme flat kde kdeplasma linux materia plasma theme unix
May 20 2020

Materia Manjaro

Plasma Window Decorations by freefreeno
[color=#00C8B5]Materia Style Aurorae themes[/color] If you want to see the best screenshots without the blurriness then click and enlarge so and you will have a much better view. The new Breeze style icons are here: The folder icons are...
aurorae flat kde kdeplasma linux materia plasma theme unix
May 20 2020