Sunergos Blue GDM

GDM Themes

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If you use this theme to help create
your own, please let me know. I would
like to link to it on my home page

This theme (my first "public") was hacked together after looking through the "Ubuntu Dapper" and "Variety Brushed" gdm themes. the svg background is also licensed under the GPL. It is called waves, it was created by Jakub 'jimmac' Steiner, and it can be found on his site
along with some other fantastic artwork.

So, I was denied when I tried to submit this to, Has anyone experienced any problems with this theme? please let me know. If so, please include your language settings and resolution.
Last changelog:

*changed some box sizes from static to dynamic.

*New feature! no longer crashes when switching users... sorry about that.

*Some slight tweeking of the graphics and font sizes. Should be done untill I'm ready to add the gtk stuff.

***Important*** I changed the folder name after version 0.0.2, so if you are upgrading, you ought to delete the Sunergos folder in your gdm/themes directory.

*Centered the pw-prompt, because darnit, I'm pretty sure I likeit better that way.

Ratings & Comments



Thx for theme. Using it right now :3


Glad you like it and thanks for useing.


I like this. It is simple, clean and non-linux-flavor dependant. If I see one more ubuntu cloud, or sunny sky with an ubuntu-logo horizion; I shall puke. Thumbs up to the clean feel.


well, I can't make excuses. I am one of your dreaded ubuntu users. I'd like to think that it hasn't affected my ascetic sensibilities however. Thanks for the comment, I was trying to go for something clean and simple. I rather liked your social commentary on the matter (poobuntu) and I have to (sadly) say it looks better than some serious submissions. It's nothing new though. I remember seeing suseEverything and fedoraEverything so on. ubuntu's just getting it's moment in the limelight. Slack is a great distro though, in fact it was one of my first and I still use slax on a usb key at school. reminds me of my first nix experiences with openbsd. Both well crafted systems. Which is the same thing I have found with ubuntu. It's one of the best debian/gnome deployments I've ever seen. as long as you don't look past the gui.


No, I totally understand; I'm not saying _all_ ubuntu users are stupid in any mean's. As far as another apt-based GNU distro, it's great. Get's the job done right? It's not the software, it's all the same. It's the community mentality of this distro's movement. It almost feels like xp just got released... Just a vibe; People think im some sort of hardcore anti-ubuntu ranter who hates all the users. Nah, I just cant belive what I am seeing with the community. Btw, nice gdm =)


yeah, I know what you mean. I've got ptsd from working delltech in '01. there is a definate smell in the air. and it's not victory. Thanks for the reinforcement. pd


hmm. i worked delltech in 01 also, convergys?


nope, servicezone. I left just before the jobs did. vpac tade ecy.


I've tested it at 800x600 1024x768 and 1280x1024. Please let me know if you have any display problems, particulrly for other languages or wide aspect ratio displays. Thanks

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version 0.0.4
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