Search results for "linux"


Bumblebee Indicatior

Plasma 4 Extensions by dmeyer
Its just a plasmoid intended to sit in a panel that shows wheter the discrete video card is running or not with an Nvidia Optimus system using Bumblebee. The icon goes from black to yellow when it is activated. The app does use kde notifications to indicate when the the discrete card has been...
extension kde linux plasma plasma-4 unix widget
Oct 12 2012


Plasma 4 Extensions by iduhasti
Plasmacon is a terminal emulator based on KDE Konsole technology (uses libkonsolepart). Requires KDE 4, PyKDE, plasma python script-engine and python-devel packages. To install: plasmapkg -i plasmacon.plasmoid To uninstall: plasmapkg -r plasmacon.plasmoid
extension kde linux plasma plasma-4 unix widget
Sep 20 2012

Plasma WebQQ

Plasma 4 Extensions by nihui
Plasma WebQQ containment intergration. WebQQ is a web-based operation system, contains millions of apps. WebQQ has its Open API for developing new app. Plasma WebQQ can be used in both plasma-desktop or plasma-network shell. The content is the webqq webpage. Almost everything works fine...
extension kde linux plasma plasma-4 unix widget
Jun 01 2012

Steam Companion

Plasma 4 Extensions by gcala
Steam Companion is a plasmoid to track Steam's specials and deals.
extension kde linux plasma plasma-4 unix widget
Feb 09 2012


Plasma 4 Extensions by melongex
A plasmoid, which is written in python, that displays when TV shows air the next time and when they aired previously. You need the following packages to run it: python-beautifulsoup python-kde4 python-qt4 Install the plasmoid by calling plasmapkg -i in the folder where you...
extension kde linux plasma plasma-4 unix widget
Oct 10 2011


Plasma 4 Extensions by thehayro
I wrote the currentappcontrol for netbooks completely in javascript and qml. Please feel free to make more suggestions.
extension kde linux plasma plasma-4 unix widget
Aug 27 2011

Stream Player

Plasma 4 Extensions by 1Slarti1
Stream Player is a simple player for Internet streams. For playback it uses Phonon. The Plasmoid remembers the volume for each stream. To change the volume for a stream, use the mousewheel over play/pause button. Xine backend: - has sometimes problems whith some streams - shows the best...
extension kde linux plasma plasma-4 unix widget
Jul 09 2011

Hiragana & Katakana typewriter

Plasma 4 Extensions by bekirtaskin
This plasmoid translates Latin alphabet to Japanese Hiragana or Katakana alphabets. Caps Lock button decides the alohabet.
extension kde linux plasma plasma-4 unix widget
Jun 01 2011

Lyrics Plasmoid

Plasma 4 Extensions by maurobender
A Plasmoid Widget to see the lyrics of the current playing song. BUILDING tar xjvf lyricsplasmoid-0.5.tar.bz2 cd lyricsplasmoid-0.5 mkdir build cd build cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`kde4-config --prefix` sudo make install kbuildsycoca4 kquitapp plasma (plasma-desktop in kde >...
extension kde linux plasma plasma-4 unix widget
Jan 31 2011

MOC Plasma Client

Plasma 4 Extensions by mitiao
It is a simple plasmoid which controls moc music player. The basic idea is from MPD plasma client, see If anyone always using moc player to listen music, try this plasmoid to take control without open...
extension kde linux plasma plasma-4 unix widget
Dec 11 2010