Search results for "linux"



Full Icon Themes by wipeout140
Simple started in 2009, and was continually updated till June 2010, where the idea was to create the most modern and visually pleasing icon theme for GNOME 2.x. Simple 2.7 builds upon 2.6.5 designed for GNOME 2.x and has been updated for GNOME 3.x / Unity while keeping backwards compatibility...
icon-theme linux unix
Feb 17 2012

Dummy X11 cursors

Cursors by ultr
X11 cursors theme useful for creating your own cursor theme and debugging. NEW: Now the package contains a list of must-have cursors (ODS file). They are collected in groups of same or similar cursors which can be represented by a single cursor image. There is also a Bash script...
cursor linux unix
Jan 01 2012

Descartes Breeze

QtCurve by UnderTheGun
===== DESCARTES BREEZE ===== "A smooth semi-full-flat theme based on KDE-Next with many improvements." version: 1.2 >>> NOW with an Aurorae light theme!! Descartes Breeze contains: # QtCurve theme # Aurorae theme # Colors scheme # Cursor theme # Comme font * Aurorae...
linux qtcurve theme unix
Jun 23 2014

Neo-Elemenarty Mimetype Icons

Full Icon Themes by Magog64
A possible set of LibreOffice mimetypes icons in the style of new Elementary OS icons theme Complete SVG sizes: 16x, 22x, 24x, 32x, 48x, 64x and 128x
icon-theme linux unix
Dec 23 2011

Oxymentary (Oxygen Icons for GNOME)

Full Icon Themes by Zeroangel
Designed to be a more complete version of the Oxygen Icon Theme for use in the GNOME2 environment. As the normal Tango compliant Oxygen theme misses certain GNOME specific icons that some programs use, it tends to cause some icons to fall back to the original vanilla GNOME icons which clash...
icon-theme linux unix
Nov 07 2011


Full Icon Themes by lonerocker
This is just the expanded version of Rodent, the former default icon theme for XFCE. Open for requests. Works fine on XFCE 4.8. weather icons by juice Extract in /home/_user_/.icons/
icon-theme linux unix
Aug 02 2011


Plasma Themes by gentoox
This is a dark plasma theme that is based on numerous different themes. I wish I could give credit where credit is due but I can't.
a dark i'm is kde linux plasma theme themepack. this unix
Sep 28 2018


QtCurve by garthecho
I wanted to make something that was on the 'flat' side, but still included smooth, shadowy gradients. This is the result. Includes an Aurorae theme, QtCurve, and color scheme. Icons: Wallpaper:...
linux qtcurve theme unix
Jan 23 2014

Bouncy Ball

Plasma 5 Applets by Sho
Bouncy Ball is back! Add it to your Plasma 5 desktop and bounce, bounce, bounce. Changelog for Bouncy Ball v2.1: * Added support for sound (off by default). * Added auto-bounce. * Much better mouse response. * Made simulation tick configurable. * Bugfixes.
extension kde linux plasma plasma-5 unix widget
Mar 12 2017

Language Flags for Faenza and Elementary

Full Icon Themes by scottiw2000
This is a collection of svg flag images for the input language notifier in the gnome-panel. They are styled to match the Faenza and Elementary icon sets. If you would like me to add any more languages, please leave a comment. I made these to solve the problem with the input language indicator...
icon-theme linux unix
Nov 04 2010