Search results for "linux"



Full Icon Themes by xanayoshi
Based on NouveKDEGray by Tsujan. Word of warning, very heavy, will take a while to show up if installed through System Settings. Not recommended for lite installations, low RAM.
icon-theme linux unix
Jul 14 2015

MWM / CDE / MOTIF Window Decorations

deKorator Themes by josvanr
MWM / CDE / MOTIF Window Decorations 1.1 for deKorator Get the elegant retro look window decorations of CDE and the like. No-gradients guarantee! Colors will be adapted from your current theme's colors Now added multiple sizes for the title bar (50%-140%) INSTALLATION -Install...
linux unix
Nov 26 2012

Dock Window

Kwin Scripts by herrbatka
You need KDE > 4.9 to run this script. This script is made by luebking and Martin Gräßlin, not me! This script will move all minimized windows to the current desktop when desktop changes. Why? Some apps do not have option to be docked in the system tray, and honestly I would prefer t...
linux unix
Nov 10 2012

OpenMandriva Lx 2014

Plasma Window Decorations by caig
OpenMandriva Lx 2014 window decoration ---oOo--- Other OpenMandriva related works: - [URL=]Sereno[/URL], a KWin decoration based on this original decoration - [URL=]IaOra[/URL], the widget style ported to Qt5 -...
kde linux openmandriva plasma theme unix
Apr 18 2018

Present Windows Clone

Kwin Switching Layouts by mgraesslin
A Window Switching layout which mimics more closely the Present Windows effect. This includes: [li]Selecting Windows by mouse over[/li] [li]Close Windows Button[/li] [li]Makes use of full screen[/li] [li]Shows Background[/li]
linux unix
Oct 22 2012

LibreOffice White Sifr Icon Pack

Full Icon Themes by vasya86
White version of the Sifr icon theme for LibreOffice This is made by this guy so all credits go to him 1. Install the default Sifr icons: sudo apt-get install libreoffice-style-sifr 2. Open a terminal in the download folder and run: sudo cp...
icon-theme linux unix
May 14 2015

Adapta KDE

Plasma Window Decorations by x-varlesh-x
Adapta KDE - This is a port of the popular GTK theme Adapta for Plasma 5 desktop with a few additions and extras. RECOMMEND USE THIS CUSTOMIZATION WITH KVANTUM ENGINE:
adapta aurorae kde linux plasma theme unix
Aug 28 2018

Quasi Deepin II

Global Themes by caig
A KDE Plasma Look and Feel theme that mimics (quasi) [URL=]Deepin[/URL] [i]15.8[/i] with light decorations as showed by the Deepin Image Viewer. It uses: - [URL=]Quasi Deepin II[/URL] window decoration -...
deepin kde light linux look-and-feel plasma theme unix
Nov 30 2018

MonoRing icon theme for Kadu

Full Icon Themes by michalje
This is mono icon theme for Polish instant messenger Kadu (v0.6.6 or higher). For dark and light panels. Only tray icon is mono (rest is from default theme icon in Kadu v1.3). Instalation: Copy dirs "monoring (for dark panels)" and "monoring (for light panels)"...
icon-theme linux unix
Dec 27 2014

great Arrow

Cursors by markitos66
[i][b]Great[/b][/i] is a X11 mouse theme with a big arrow and, optionally, a yellow background. Now it's more modern, also is slightly translucent to help you position it quickly and correctly. When you place it over any window corner or window side to resize, uses a rotating line segment...
cursor linux unix
Dec 13 2014