Event Calendar

Plasma 5 Calendars by Zren 707 comments

Can you post a screenshot? It should fit everything. - Jul 14 2018
Event Calendar

Plasma 5 Calendars by Zren 707 comments

Fixed in v58 - Jun 26 2018
Event Calendar

Plasma 5 Calendars by Zren 707 comments

Added this in v58 - Jun 26 2018
Breeze AlphaBlack

Plasma Themes by Zren 62 comments

I uploaded a v11 of the desktop theme + v2 of the widget to control the popup and desktop widget opacity. - Jun 24 2018
Event Calendar

Plasma 5 Calendars by Zren 707 comments

You might have run into the same issue as this guy:
"Can't connect to Google Calendar via IPv6"
- Jun 24 2018
Event Calendar

Plasma 5 Calendars by Zren 707 comments

As in, there's no sound when the Timer finishes? Do you know of any distro's ISO that ship with Jack audio that I could test in a VM? Does sound work when you use the Timer in the panel? - Jun 21 2018
Event Calendar

Plasma 5 Calendars by Zren 707 comments

> I built from hub sources.

As in you used GitHub master?
This doesn't happen in KDE Neon. https://i.imgur.com/JeNhsA5.png - Jun 20 2018
Event Calendar

Plasma 5 Calendars by Zren 707 comments

Did you install via AUR or "Get New Widgets > Download New Widgets"? - Jun 20 2018
Event Calendar

Plasma 5 Calendars by Zren 707 comments

Where? Screenshot? - Jun 20 2018
Event Calendar

Plasma 5 Calendars by Zren 707 comments

First appeared with v56? Did you also upgrade Qt at the time? What Qt version? - Jun 19 2018

Plasma 5 Applets by Zren 85 comments

plasma-widgets-addons <= Correct package name
plasma-widgets-adddons <= You typed 3 "d"s in addons instead of 2 - Jun 19 2018

Plasma 5 Applets by Zren 85 comments

Oh right, kdeplasma-addons was broken up into separate packages. You want to install the plasma-widgets-addons package probably. - Jun 18 2018
Event Calendar

Plasma 5 Calendars by Zren 707 comments

KHoliday support is there (the "Holidays" plugin is unchecked in the screenshot). Seeing as the KDE PIM events checkbox is missing probably means you don't have the kdepim-addons package installed. - Jun 18 2018

Plasma 5 Applets by Zren 85 comments

The Widget's description mentions this, and has a command to install it.

If you're using Kubuntu, or KDE Neon, use:
sudo apt install kdeplasma-addons

Then relog (to restart plasmashell) and TodoList should work. - Jun 16 2018
Present Windows Button

Plasma 5 Applets by Zren 34 comments

I'm not sure what you mean? Is the "windows like icon" it blurry or the "Unity 7" style?
Are you using a large panel? Or are you using a HiDPI screen?

Maybe I need to use SvgItem.smooth? I don't think normal icons use smooth though.
Or wait, IconItem DOES use smooth by default, while SvgItem does NOT use it by default. Interesting.

* https://github.com/KDE/plasma-framework/blob/master/src/declarativeimports/core/iconitem.cpp#L42
* https://github.com/KDE/plasma-framework/blob/master/src/declarativeimports/core/svgitem.cpp#L39
- Jun 08 2018
Event Calendar

Plasma 5 Calendars by Zren 707 comments

I would need to use -5min, -1min, -30sec, +30sec, +1min, +5min buttons. There isn't always enough room for more than 4 buttons too (desktop widget).

Maybe I could make the "time left" text into a textbox. It would pause when the user changes the text. - May 31 2018
Event Calendar

Plasma 5 Calendars by Zren 707 comments

Would a right click > set timer > popup to type the duration be okay? Or can you think of a simpler solution? - May 31 2018
Tiled Menu [Plasma 5]

Plasma 5 Menus by Zren 316 comments

Uhg, sorry. I think I changed the DPI, then thought I couldn't reproduce it. I totally forgot about the font size in the System Settings. But yeah, if you want to scale the entire screen, changing the DPI is what you need.
I'll try to fix it soonish, now that I can reproduce it. https://i.imgur.com/NI3L2hz.png - May 29 2018
Tiled Menu [Plasma 5]

Plasma 5 Menus by Zren 316 comments

You'll need to install the following package, then restart plasmashell.

sudo apt install qml-module-qt-labs-platform
killall plasmashell; kstart5 plasmashell
- May 15 2018
Tiled Menu [Plasma 5]

Plasma 5 Menus by Zren 316 comments

If you installed the wrong version first, you'll need to restart plasmashell to reload the widget.
Either logout and back in, or run the command:
killall plasmashell; kstart5 plasmashell - May 15 2018
Tiled Menu [Plasma 5]

Plasma 5 Menus by Zren 316 comments

What desktop theme? Sometimes the "shadow" layer gets out of sync like this: https://streamable.com/70zsz - May 14 2018
Event Calendar

Plasma 5 Calendars by Zren 707 comments

The folder you are using "git clone" in already contains a subfolder called "eventcalendar".
Either delete the "eventcalendar" folder first or use:

git clone https://github.com/Zren/plasma-applet-eventcalendar.git eventcalendar56
cd eventcalendar56
sh ./reinstall
- May 14 2018
Event Calendar

Plasma 5 Calendars by Zren 707 comments

Whoops, when I moved setting in the config, I forgot to make it "save" when it changes. Thanks for reporting it. The default poll interval is 20 minutes btw (even if it says every 5 minutes). - May 13 2018
Event Calendar

Plasma 5 Calendars by Zren 707 comments

What version does it say in: ~/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.eventcalendar/metadata.desktop
When you ran the "reinstall" script, did you panel disappear?

You could also install the update via Get Hot New Stuff:

Right Click Panel > Add Widgets > Get New Widgets > Download
Search for "Event Calendar" > Install/Update > eventcalendar-v57-plasma5.6.plasmoid - May 13 2018
Event Calendar

Plasma 5 Calendars by Zren 707 comments

I believe I've fixed this in v56. Assuming you're in a timezone before GMT. Eg: GMT+1, GMT+2, etc. - May 12 2018
Tiled Menu [Plasma 5]

Plasma 5 Menus by Zren 316 comments

Sorry bout that. Apparently KDE Neon is using Qt 5.10, and I didn't realize a feature I added required Qt 5.10. I rewrote the code to work with Qt 5.9 in v21. Thanks for pointing out this bug!

I also discovered that my menu won't work in the Kubuntu LiveCD since it's missing a package I now depend on. Seeing as you didn't run into that error, I guess it doesn't affect the installed version of Kubuntu. - May 10 2018
Tiled Menu [Plasma 5]

Plasma 5 Menus by Zren 316 comments

What distro? What plasma version?

I'm trying to use the QtQuick 2 IconButton since the icon follows the icon scheme, which QtQuick 1 doesn't seem to support anywhere. It seemed to work in KDE Neon so I thought it might work elsewhere. - May 10 2018
Command Output [Plasma 5]

Plasma 5 Applets by Zren 74 comments

I added font family/size/boldness configuration to v5. Sorry this was on the backburner. - May 06 2018
Command Output [Plasma 5]

Plasma 5 Applets by Zren 74 comments

v5 should fix use as a desktop widget. - May 06 2018
Command Output [Plasma 5]

Plasma 5 Applets by Zren 74 comments

It works with the Kubuntu 18.04 LiveCD. https://streamable.com/8wb4n
Or... wait you're using it as a desktop widget? Hmmm. Yeah that's a bug. - May 06 2018
Sticky Window Snapping

KWin Scripts by Flupp 104 comments

Here's a video that demonstrates the differences.
https://streamable.com/bpavy - May 04 2018
Event Calendar

Plasma 5 Calendars by Zren 707 comments

I don't plan on supporting Desktop Themes where you can't read the default text color on the popup background, since you won't be able to read *any* widget. You should be modifying the Desktop Theme's text color so that all widgets are readable. - May 04 2018
Tiled Menu [Plasma 5]

Plasma 5 Menus by Zren 316 comments

What version of Tiled Menu are you using?
What version of Plasma are you using?
What distro are you using?
What desktop theme are you using?
- Apr 21 2018
Tiled Menu [Plasma 5]

Plasma 5 Menus by Zren 316 comments

Screenshot? What formatting settings cause it, and what formatting settings fix it? - Apr 20 2018

Global Themes (Plasma 5) by llucas 16 comments

Just noticed you added "Present Windows" to your layout. Since it didn't look quite right with the Unity Ambiance theme, I've updated my widget to use a Unity7 style when it detects that desktop theme. https://i.imgur.com/9RCDAfa.png - Apr 11 2018
Tiled Menu [Plasma 5]

Plasma 5 Menus by Zren 316 comments

Should note that after you make changes, you'll need to restart plasmashell to see the effect.

killall plasmashell; kstart5 plasmashell - Apr 04 2018
Tiled Menu [Plasma 5]

Plasma 5 Menus by Zren 316 comments

Well... sorta. A GIF requires the use of QML's AnimatedImage as the default Image type doesn't support the animation. Using AnimatedImage tends to use a noticeable amount of CPU though, so I wouldn't really recommend it. Are you wanting to style the Tiles or the panel icon? For Tiles, it might be okay as it stops using CPU when the tile isn't visible. If you want to modify the panel icon, then you'd have to understand you're using 2% CPU just for that.

Anyways, the widget is installed to:

For animated tiles, in TileItemView.qml, there's a line with "Image {" which you'd need to change to "AnimatedImage {"

Then you'll need to delete the "filter" if you want to browse to a gif.

Example: https://streamable.com/zy2th

To animate the panel icon, you'd need to change the PlasmaCore.IconItem in LauncherIcon.qml. - Apr 04 2018
Event Calendar

Plasma 5 Calendars by Zren 707 comments

The clock will only appear if you place the widget on a panel. It will only show the agenda/etc if you use event calendar as a desktop widget. - Apr 02 2018
KDE Connect Device Widget

Plasma 5 Applets by Zren 6 comments

After you select a device, it will show the device's battery in the panel. The battery text will turn red at 30% so you remember to charge it. You can also drag+drop a link to open it in the browser, or drop file to have it upload to the phone's Downloads folder. - Mar 30 2018
Event Calendar

Plasma 5 Calendars by Zren 707 comments

Is it only affecting "All Day" events, or does it also put an event from 9am to 10am on the wrong day as well? - Mar 21 2018
Tiled Menu [Plasma 5]

Plasma 5 Menus by Zren 316 comments

Ah woops, I moved the widget to it's own repository. I'll update the description now.
https://github.com/zren/plasma-applet-tiledmenu - Mar 21 2018
Event Calendar

Plasma 5 Calendars by Zren 707 comments

No. I meant that you'd need to edit the file every time arch updates the eventcalendar package. At least until I make a fancy GUI in the config for editing the timer durations. - Mar 20 2018
Event Calendar

Plasma 5 Calendars by Zren 707 comments

The ~ represents your home folder. Eg: ~/.local is the same as /home/chris/.local/
The . period represents a hidden folder. Eg: .local is a hidden folder.
So paste the entire folder's path into dolphin's addressbar:

Or maybe you're using the Arch package? If so, it installs as the root user to:
/usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.eventcalendar/contents/ui/ - Mar 20 2018
Event Calendar

Plasma 5 Calendars by Zren 707 comments

While not a permanent solution (as it'll reset every eventcalendar update), you could edit the following file:

Then restart plasmashell with the following for the changes to take effect:
killall plasmashell; kstart5 plasmashell - Mar 20 2018
Event Calendar

Plasma 5 Calendars by Zren 707 comments

So the PIM events are showing up? Great! - Mar 16 2018
Event Calendar

Plasma 5 Calendars by Zren 707 comments

I haven't found a way to "create" kontact events yet. I would need to do it via the command line, and probably need to parse the "9am EventName" text myself somehow. I might need to make a full fledged GUI for creating events if parsing the text is too difficult. - Mar 16 2018
Terminal Update Widget

Plasma 5 Applets by Zren 7 comments

The script will prompt you to install libnotify-bin if it's not already installed. KDE Neon does not ship with it, but Kubuntu does.
The notify-send command is used to send a notification when updates have finished installing.

The scripts are in:

If you want to modify them.
- Mar 16 2018
Event Calendar

Plasma 5 Calendars by Zren 707 comments

v54 can show KHolidays events, but I wasn't able to test if events from Kontact showed up. Please tell me if it they show up okay. - Mar 16 2018
Event Calendar

Plasma 5 Calendars by Zren 707 comments

Sure, it's pretty easy to do. I added it to git master.
If you'd like to test the next release, follow the instructions at:
https://github.com/Zren/plasma-applet-eventcalendar#update-to-github-master - Feb 09 2018
Event Calendar

Plasma 5 Calendars by Zren 707 comments

Do you want it to follow the System Settings > Fonts > General size? It should be following it but I must have been lazy implementing that. Or do you want to set it to a different size than that? - Feb 09 2018